apoc's genshin uncensored

Navia Uncensored (With V-day ButtPlug) (updated)

Published: February 15th 2024, 2:54:29 am

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apoc's%20genshin%20uncensored image #0
apoc's%20genshin%20uncensored image #1


March, 13th 2024 : Blend file added (includes nsfw variants)


Small Update ( Feb, 15th 2024 ) : Texture adjustments on the bottom half of panty-less versions


Check instructions, located in mod folder if you need more help.


Main Post


sorry for my absence. Dealing with alot at the moment, will explain when I get a chance. But in the meantime, navia's mod is finished. 

Some of the changes are subtle, and probably no one cares about it, except for me. But here is a quick tldr for who-ever is interested.

Default underwear is kept the same as promised, except more in tune to a proper corset you might find, while maintaing genshin's art style.

Lips are more fuller and more noticeable

Parts of her mesh are now properly open, and can be see through 

3d head mesh was modeled in. 

Second underwear option was added for those who prefer black. 

And of course. Transparent sun glasses

As stated before, the mod has been completed for some time. All that was left was to do cleanup. but since cleanup took such a long time, and I needed to wait for other things to be finished, I have decided to add a special version ( cause I know you people ). And since its V-day, why not make it heart shaped <3

Yes its fully modeled. I will post a blender file here soon

I will leave this version up on patreon for everyone, for the first 30days. The one that contains all the folders. Then I will create a separate mod for sexual stuff, so its not cluttering the rest of files. Cause 12 folders is alot to sort through.

And lastly, if anyone is still reading this or curious. Here are the references I used. 

I got alot to catch up on, so please bare with me.