apoc's genshin uncensored

Upcoming mod + Announcements

Published: October 30th 2023, 8:28:49 pm

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I promised someone I would make a samurai mod for alhaithem. This is a wip, so expect the final version to be different. They are very open minded so if anyone wants anyone is interested let me know.


With that being said, I want to announce my plans for this patreon.

I dislike censorship in all forms.  My original goal was to remove underwater bubble diaper, and be done with it. But after seeing the potential of mods, I decided to go further. I got caught up in removing all the changes I disliked about genshin, but sadly alot of mods didn't suit my tastes. So I ended up creating my own.

I am not a professional 3d artist, my skillset is mostly digital paintings, or 2d art

The 3d works I do, are basically a mix between light model edits and photoshop.  with alot of it being unfinished

so this is a bit outside of my comfort zone. Never really used blender before this either. So am I in no way or shape, a professional modder, 


with that being said, I've notice there is a lot more people that have a similar mindset to me. where they want to see certain characters uncensored but not completely lewd. 

Genshin has alot of great art and artist, but there is a certain paradigm that they follow with there characters. Its like they want to make them in a certain way, but  for whatever reason, are forced to cover up alot of the more sexualized details.  Compared to a lot of other games, genshins designs are pretty modest, but there are obvious examples of characters wanting to be sexy, but cannot. A good case is Rosaria. I am still disappointed to this day they nerfed her chest size. 

And given my own personal art experience ( not saying other people are not artists ) , I think I can do a good job and maintaining the original intent of the character while also uncensoring some aspects that were obvious meant to look a different way.

And that's what I want to focus on. The goal isn't to make lewd or sex mods ( not that I oppose ) but I want to see if I can remove all the un-needed censorship from the game. Not all characters will have a need for it, but those that do, I would like to make a more in character version for those who share a similar mindset. 


The problem with this. Is that it cuts into alot of other projects im working on, and I don't want to charge money for these mods, because it feels wrong. You shouldn't have to pay more money to have your game restored to its original concept, just because some government body won't let you have fun. Hence why the patreon is only 1$, 

But because the work is a lot more than I expected, and there are a lot of request people have made to me, I want to start a new tier for 5$. I know I probably don't have to justify it, since there are other people that charge $25 +  for there works, but that's not me. 

This tier is just to help me streamline the process. Because I plan to do at least minimum of 2 mods a month. One uncensored mod, + one actual custom mod based on ideas I have lying around.

Those who want to help me can vote on whichever mod you want me to work on next.

The $1 tier is for everything. No mods I create will be behind a paywall, but some of them might have features that the general public wouldn't exactly want. So I want to make sure its for those who truly support my mindset.

The $5 tier will be for those who want to support me, and help me make mods that people want to focus on faster. I will eventually get to all the characters on my list, but you will get higher say on what gets worked on first.

I thought about a $10 tier for people who wanted to add special modifications to mods im working on, but for now I want to keep it simple. I sincerely thank everyone who has donated and shown an interest so far in my work so far. I know there not the best, but I will do the best I can.

I do have plans to tackle other games as well like honkai, but that is probably for the future. 

If you have any future request for uncensored mods, put them below this post, and I will add them to the list