
Anvil 106: Whitneyville/Kennedy Reconfiguration

Published: November 12th 2021, 1:16:45 pm

anvil_davidstar image #0

        This is a long one. 5 shop video sessions to get back to the point where it was worn out, and discarded long ago.  Of significance is the geometry involved in stoning the trigger and hammer, and how little force is actually needed to do this. We have resisted the "opportunity" to show a trigger job prior to now out of apprehension that this will be screwed up, and I will get blamed......

        Full disclosure is the fact that there is a bunch of labor in this thing, and is nowhere near done.  The amount of labor necessary to recover a project like this is staggering, and we have as yet found a way to convey this fact. Again, like the pigstick, we had twice this amount of video shot. Much of it was redundant and said the same thing over again. Eventually, an editing decision was made to cut off the production to get content out in the open.

       Know this is not the last time patrons will see this project, as a full mag dump, well, MUST. BE.  PERFORMED. thanks

                                                        mark and Bruno