
March Newsletter

Published: March 1st 2023, 7:04:28 pm


Hey guys!  February was a pretty wild month and I'm gonna keep the ball rolling:

Previously in February:

Posting Recap

I had plenty of updates this month what with the Bakugou Feminization event!  It was a lot of fun and I've decided I'd like to turn the comic I made for it into a PDF (with some bonus pages of course).  My lowkey plan right now is to work on this PDF on the side and get it published around Pride. (I'm still hoping to apply to the Bakugou feminization zine, so wish me luck!)

Coming in March:

By Moonlight

I'm setting a hard deadline on myself to have stuff ready by JuLycanthropy (which seems far away but the way 2023 is whizzing by so far, it won't be that long.)  In the meantime I'll keep posting wips + the bonus comic.


So for those of you who weren't here: I got laid off last June.  The bad news is that I finally caved and applied to a part-time job.  The good news is, I got that job!  This shouldn't affect my posting schedule too much, but I'm sure there'll be an adjustment period.  Please be patient with me.

Coming Art

There's also an upcoming BNHA Breeding Kink event that I'd love to work on if I have the time, but My Hero Bacchanalia and By Moonlight take priority!

The My Hero Bacchanalia prompt list is now posted on Twitter!  If you're an artist or a writer, feel free to join in!  The event itself is in April, but I'll be releasing my pieces early here on Patreon!

tldr; By Moonlight Chapter 3 is coming along!  Also I got a part time job hurray!  Expect My Hero Bacchanalia this month!