this was REALLY relaxing to sit and do, you guys ask some really fun questions AND for someone like me, who LOVES talking -- ultimate bliss haha.
I hope whether you're new or old that you have fun learning a bit more about me. a lot of questions were ones I've never answered WHICH WAS SO FUN. I get to nerd out, talk about things I love, why I do things -- THATS JUST COOL.
we'll def. do more of these in the future, maybe a more lewd one, idk but I have fun every single time I'm able to sit down and answer questions from you guys.
anyway -- I hope it's fun and y'all enjoy & thank you for participating in this with me
p.s : thank you for being here, I realized when I was recording just how far I've come and all I've done and in the moment I was wistful and mention how much it means BUT getting this ready for you guys to hear it made me emo LOL. I love this so much, I love my life and my job. getting to do this is my happy place -- idk what cards fell in to place for me to end up here but I'm REALLY happy they did :)
Questions to follow along ♡
How was SnakeySmut born?
What got you into doing ASMR initially?
You portray yourself as a mischievous girl online, but describe your true self in just two words.
Why did you start doing audio smut?
If you had to bring any famous person back from the dead, who would it be and why?
What kind of media do you most enjoy? (Such as movies, TV, music or books) and what kind do you prefer? (Horror, action, comedy etc) this might be pretty obvious now that I type it out. Sorry.
What does your ideal vacation look like?
You are allowed to go back in time and witness one historical event (but not influence it in any way). What event do you choose and why?
If you had to bargain for your soul by winning a board game, which one would you pick?
If you could have one super power what would it be?
What is your favorite type of monster? (Werewolf, vampire, Frankenstein's monster, etc)
What is a cosplay that you really want to do but can’t or haven’t done yet?
Have you ever been interested in breast or butt expansion as a kink?
Do the audio's ever inspire you to do something in real life or vice versa?
What is your favorite thing about making your audios? Your least favorite? How many VAs have you collabed with, that you would not only jump at the chance, but drop everything to work with again?
When did you decide that this would be your go to thing to do?
What has been your favorite audio you've done?
Do you go back and listen to you older audios?
Do you own multiple dildos for glucks and if so which is your fav?
How do you balance your work and personal life? What do you like to watch on YouTube?
What got you into audio porn?
How did you get into making these lovely audios?
Are there any audio ideas/kinks you would like to make but haven't yet?
What would you say your biggest kink is both for yourself and for audios?
What’s your favorite accent to do while in ASMR
Do you have occasions when you plan on recording but you aren't feeling motivated, not "feeling it"? If so, how do you handle it?
How did you ultimately land on the name SnakeySmut?