
Content line up for the week & announcements!

Published: May 15th 2023, 3:00:05 pm


A very happy Monday to all of you out there. I hope you have a super great start to your week :). I'm about to fall head first into a long ass editing day (or a couple actually, I bulk recorded 10 audios over the weekend LOL) and wanted to pop by and give your our line up for the week! It's got some good stuff in it - lemme show you.


☾ Line Up

Tuesday, May 16th - Early access SFW Roleplay

Wednesday, May 17th - Monthly Exclusive : Your best friend works at the local sex shop and let's you test some toys out on her after hours [Friends to lovers] [Sexually open] [Describing how it feels] [Show me how you want to make me cum] [Toys] [Spit as lube] [Throatfuck] [Anal play] [Butt plug] [Airtight] [Standing doggy] [Collar n leash] [Cum inside me]

Saturday, May 20th - Finished WIP

Saturday, May 20th - Oral Fixation Kink | Episode Two

☾ Announcements

quick ones this week . . . 

There will be a few polls coming out this week to gauge times and dates for some up coming live recordings

Early access for patrons of my cheerleading series will be debuting (hopefully) end of the month or early June :) I'm so excited for y'all to hear it first 

July will have one of the patron suggested ideas coming to fruition in an audio for y'all here 

And with that, I scurry away to edit all the moans and glucks. Summer is seriously such a fun creative time. I always forget how charged I start to feel around May. Which means, good things FOR YOU! OH! And my Poe? He's doing better :) we start physical therapy at the end of the month and I'm looking forward to seeing how much better he'll feel with some pup rehab for his old man body. Thank y'all for all the sweet messages looking after him. We both appreciate it <3

xoxo - V