
Quick Announcement | If Patreon Is Loading Weird For You

Published: June 3rd 2022, 9:16:15 pm


Patreon is currently updating the way their website (I've noticed a few things from the creator view too) looks/functions and it was brought to my attention it makes the mobile version of a page look weird, load thing strangely etc.

I wanted to say, if this is happening to you - try using the patreon app (I use that and it doesn't seem to be doing anything to layout there)

view via your computer.

I'm sorry if you've experienced this at all, but I'm assuming Patreon will be done with their update sooner than later. 

You can read more about their update || RIGHT HERE || 

Thanks for understanding !

Meantime, I uploaded a new audio this morning 

you can find that 

RIGHT HERE |  Early Access | Audi x Snakey collab