
New Art | Wait .. you have a crush on ME? by Gihachii

Published: November 27th 2024, 2:04:15 am

Victoria_Rose main image

ordered this lil cutie for some new SFW role play's I have coming up :) planning on writing myself some new scripts for those over the holiday season (believe it or not I'm still training myself to improvise SFW stuff -- it's really hard for me not to take it somewhere lewd LOL). my way around that for the new year is .. I'm going to record some audios where it can be split in the middle. SFW and THEN lewd >.< ~ that's how I'm going to train myself. plus that just means more treats for you in both forms. everyone wins!

what's YOUR fave type of SFW RP?

friends to more?



tell meeeee so I know what to write, hehe

additionally, if you or someone you know writes SFW stuff and wouldn't mind it being monetized shoot me and email pls
