Published: January 17th 2023, 9:06:47 pm
Heya! I hadn't posted in a while but I'm just here to tell you all I am still at work on the game. I just finished the gas station's new owner story. But while I was writing and creating this fun little story, I had to redo the entire car code (more future proof now) and add two car related businesses to support it. I enjoy getting carried away. So you can buy, sell and tune cars now. I also redid some house code to make the code ready for owning multiple houses and upgrading them, which is a feature I'm very excited to add later on.
I think up features quicker than I can add them but everything is falling into place nicely and my coding process usually goes quick and smooth these days. The game is still running smooth with 10 history states (meaning you can click the back button 10 times) and I plan to eventually have the game be so bug-free that I can do with just 1 history state. MAiH1 ran on 10 history states so that means I can have 9* more variables than MAiH1 before I truly reach the limit of what an average browser can take. So far MAiH2 is around 15% of the size of MAiH2 in terms of written code and story so I'm not worried about the game becoming slow anytime soon and if I find the time I can basically add hundreds features and stories still without worrying about performance. Which is good because I have an almost endless supply of ideas for features, girls, stories, businesses, random events, sex scenes and more.
Anyway, enough rambling, I'm getting back to it. Plan is to release this update pretty soon, hopefully within a week, and probably shoot for the large story update with a new intro, better character creation and the streaming business for late february.