
Happy new year + quick ramblings

Published: December 31st 2022, 11:03:34 am


First of all, I want to wish all my patrons (and everyone else) a happy new year. I hope you've had a great year and will have another :)

--- Personal stuff, game stuff at the next header ---

My 2022 has been... Tumultuous. I won't bother you too much with my personal life but I'm not doing too well to be honest. I haven't felt this depressed in a long while and I have to do something about that. No worries about the game. Being depressed actually makes me better at it at times, as bas as that may be. It keeps me inside and escaping my issues, which often means making my game. I've been debating for a while about making this my primary income but I'm not sure it's sustainable enough.  Besides, you may not know this but I've gotten myself in a bit of a predicament where my partner doesn't know about all this and I just kind of secretly make this thing and earn this money. It's a messed up situation tbh and I'm not too sure how to get out of it. Making this thing full-time could both be amazing but it could also be a crutch to keep staying inside and not working on my many mental health issues. On the other hand it could be an amazing position to work on myself, if I actually do so. Either way, I have to figure this shit out in 2023.

--- Game stuff ---

Anyway, onto the game. For now I'm spending time with my wife as she's off school which is rare. But after her holiday, I'll get back to it. I plan to first focus on the businesses that are in the game now. That means the gym, the barber, the massage salon and the gas station. I want to add celeb managers and stories to all of these before leaving the business alone for a bit and focussing on the next thing. That could be a different career (acting, music) or a big feature. 

I have been re-playing MAiH1 for a bit lately and trying to figure out what features I have to put on the priority list. I feel like the sex club is a big one that's missing. I have big plans for it in MAiH2 so that might be the next big thing I'll be adding after finishing up what's there. I also have been brainstorming about relationship mechanics a lot and will be putting big work into that too. That means actual relationship statuses for the girls (girlfriend, FWB, engaged, married, ex) and marriage/harems mechanics. 

I plan to have lists of all these statuses behind the scenes. That means the game will track which girls are your friend, which are girlfriends, which are FWBs etc. This will trigger events. A friend might call you up for lunch at noon. A FWB might give you a call if she's horny and alone. A girlfriend or wife will need some upkeep in the form of dates and gifts if you want her to stay that way. I also plan on making cheat mechanics depending on the monogamy of your relationship. If you accepted into a monogamous relationship with a girl, you better keep it in your pants of there's a big chance she'll find out. This will be chance-based, with the chance depending on the situation of course. 

Lots of work still to be done. I feel like the game is becoming exactly what I want it to be, but it's only about 5% there. That's absolutely fine because I know exactly how to do the other 95%, I just need to sit down and do it. I'm hoping to be at least 50% by this time next year.

Anyway, that's all. I'm off to my friends to stuff food down my facehole and watch some fireworks. Whatever time it may be there, I hope you enjoy(ed) your new year's eve.