
0.1.3 quick update

Published: December 10th 2022, 11:53:43 am


Hi! I just wanted to let you all know that even though I might not be posting, the next update is coming along nicely with a bunch of new features. I really want to get it out before the holidays so I'm just working on it quietly. 

I just finished up character creation mechanics kind of like HHHE where you can spend points on things like penis size, starting cash or a boost in status to create your starting position in the game. I've also been working on the sex framework some more as per usual, filling in scenes and adding features. I added accessories (watches and belts) to the clothing mechanics and am now in the middle of adding gym mechanics + a gym intro story. After that's done I'll probably release 0.1.3 in time for christmas and start on 0.1.4 after the holidays. 

I'll try to come up with a voting theme soon and post the voting post for this month.  I suck at Patreon and I want to legitimately apologize for that. I hope the next update makes up for it :)