
Quick personal update

Published: October 26th 2022, 12:45:31 pm


PERSONAL STORY, skip to last paragraph for some game stuff. Kind of needed to vent somewhere and it explains why I've been gone and might be for a little while longer.


Hi. I know I haven't been on much. With transparency in mind, I want to give a quick update on what's causing this. A little over two weeks ago, I caught my wife cheating on me. You can imagine this caused me immense distress. Fun part was that she did this two days before our late honeymoon (we married in may). I decided it would be best to go anyway, with the thought of either going back home hating each other and filing divorce, ór having at least some hope of fixing things. Being locked up in a hotel room in Spain with a calming beach view and free infinite alcohol was a big test, but we passed. We still love each other to death and we got to the root of our issues through absolute, brutal honesty from both sides.

We decided that we're gonna try moving on from this and focussing on fixing our broken sex life (yes, my actual sex life has been absolute shite for years, which is part why I escape in these fantasies). She has shown intense remorse and honesty, which I appreciate. We're going to give up on monogamy and try an open relationship where we allow each other to explore sexually. This is obviously exciting but could also just as well break our relationship forever. For me it was this or breaking up anyway, so it's worth a try as I've never felt comfortable with monogamy (I don't think this would surprise players of my games :p ) and neither has my wife. We're both very sexual and want to fuck lots of people so we've both been feeling trapped in monogamy. We've never been as honest and close with each other as the past two weeks so things do feel more genuine and loving than they've been in a long while.

So yeah, strange times are happening in my life. Meanwhile I'm having to deal with training and exams for a new job and other life stress at the same time. Plus, I haven't been in the dating pool for fucking ages and suddenly I have to work on my game. My wife is a woman, she can get infinite dick without much work, but I have to work for pussy. Ugh.


Anyway, it's an intense emotional rollercoaster and I  haven't even been thinking about MAiH. I definitely feel guilty to all of you paying me and I do plan on getting back to it soon, hopefully early next month. I had planned to release an update before leaving on the honeymoon but I had absolutely no way of doing that in the emotional state I was in back then. I was almost done, so hopefully I can at least finish up soon and release so I can take a little break and you can all enjoy a new business, some new features, a new little story and a bunch of new girls. Those are all done, I just need to wrap things up. I will keep you all posted, but at least I feel a little less guilty now I've told my story :) 

Thanks to anyone who read through all that. Only our closest friends know about all this so it feels good to get it off my chest somewhere. Regular posting about the game will resume from now on.