Published: April 20th 2020, 4:24:42 pm
Every cheat, both for fun and the actual game-advancing cheat codes. Go to the cheat menu and put these in. Be sure to finish character creation first. If more cheats are added, I'll make sure you're notified.
August 0.5 update added four cheats! One lets you create scat content in the porn studio (I figured so few people would want this I'd better make it a cheat), another gets you into a secret menu that lets you alter stats and the last two let you instantly start a porn studio and unlock all possible pornstars!
LongSchlong = 12 inch dick
LikeAHorse = 30 inch horsedick
MicroMachine = 2 inch micropenis
TreeFiddy = You get about tree fiddy
WalterMobile = You will drive a glorious pink Pontiac Aztek
TGIF = You're now married to Rebecca Black
ImAScatman = Lets you create scat porn
ThankYouPatreon = one time use $2,500,000
Gifted = 10 of all gifts
HappyWifeHappyLife = Wife relationship 100
Promotion = Assistant relationship 100
IfTheyDontDance = All friendship to 100
CheatingIsWrong = Access to a cheat menu with links to one-time passages and activation links for slaves and more
FakeIt = Status and companystatus to 100
CallOfBooty = All booty calls
APornStarIsBorn = Unlock all pornstars
MovieMover = Set DaysSinceMovie to 15
TheShowMustGoOn = Set DaysSinceShow to 61
PornNow = Instantly start the porn studio
ScrewYouGuys = Go home (in case of bugs)