
Condensed Version: Lay your head on my lap [GFE] [Domestic] [Slice of Life] [Cosy] [Gentle] [Sweet] [L-bombs] [Heat Scratches] and [Pats] a little [Chatty] then [Reading] with little sounds and [Page turning]

Published: June 6th 2024, 5:00:02 am


You deserve rest.

My lap is perfect for that.

Dungarees Notes:

Hope you like the sleep aid/sfw roleplay for this month! I have been trying to step out of the box of my usual sleepaids and lean towards a more domestic sorta style.

This one comes in two versions, an extended version which has about 10ish minutes of uninterrupted reading scattered through the audio and the one you are on now which is a condensed version with minimal reading time.

I figured there would be some folks that like to have a lot of "empty" space in their sleepaids (I know I do) and others that would rather hear me talking more. Let me know which of those you are!