
Pink Sugar - Page 305

Published: December 18th 2023, 8:00:06 am

Dolce_Vita main image
Dolce_Vita image #0
Dolce_Vita image #1
Dolce_Vita image #2

[edit: changed up the narration splicing to improve reading flow]

(PAGES 305-308 will be a little rougher than our usual content)

I can promise you that this comic is a love story with a happy ending.

But it is also an adult story, with trauma and backgrounds relating to discrimination. This is a story about characters who bond over their mutual friendship and love for one another, and also through supporting each other in dark times.

None of the struggles I write are meant to be gratuitous or for shock factor. Everything has a purpose in the design of this story. Especially the back stories, which are lovingly, thoughtfully researched and rooted in aspects of real-life North American queer history and society.

Thank you for trusting me with characters that mean so much to you.

