Do you love my new tat?! Anyone else get new ink recently? 🤗
The highlight of my week this week was getting this sick dragonfly tattoo on my thigh - I have a loooong list of tattoos I'm gonna get, but this was my first big one on my legs. I already have an itch for my next lol. So stoked to keep covering my body with dope art 🤘🏻
When I got home from my appointment, I decided to film some tings for you, starting with this cute lil stretching vid (full vid only on my VIP page) 😘 I used to yoga AND climb most days, but since I started OF (and still need to hang on to my day job until I can afford not to...), I don't have the time to dedicate to both. I miss my yoga practice sooo much, but I usually use my pre-climb warm-up to stretch and flow on my mat...not the same as a full vinyasa flow, but I'll take what i can get for now 🧡
P.S. How bout dem apples? Apples are best eaten with your tits out and bouncin about 😝