
Okay guys so i have some semi-bad news, basically for my sec..

Published: October 30th 2022, 8:32:42 pm


Okay guys so i have some semi-bad news, basically for my second halloween set this year i did a bunch of stuff of me covered in fake blοοd. What i didnt know at the time of making all of that content is that its against the OF terms of service. So im gonna be posting all of that fake blοοd stuff over on my fαnsly (as long as it doesn’t get removed there) so if you really wanna see it, its over there, im really sorry about this and trust me im just as annoyed as you guys probably are! I was really proud and happy with that content its really sad i cant post it here. As for OF, i have a slightly older set that i wasnt gonna post that ill just be posting here for you guys so that theres at least something for you to enjoy. I thought about maybe trying to link to the halloween content somehow but thats also against OF terms of service so i cant do that either unfortunately. Again, im so sorry about this, if you really wanna see it, check my other site, otherwise hopefully youll like this other set of content.