I found a new sex slave !!!
Alottt of u requested that I make a video with regular looking guy, well this guy I think pretty regular, I mean he have handsome face and amazinggggggg fat ass !!! he's a latin guy and msg me maybe like a year ago but he was like 30 miles away from me, so I never pay attention to him, I tend to not respond to people if I feel the chance on meeting is slim to none.. anyways !
One night, he msg me and I saw he was 8 miles away and he msg me pic of him w his amazing ass sticking out and my heart just melt... so I decide to let him come by.. and magic happened !!
I enjoy making my video and I have no problem being recorded while having sex but sometimes I do feel like I am working BUT this time, because it happen at night, with low lights, just focus on 1 camera... I can just enjoy my time and let myself go out town on his ass 🥳 ENJOY ! and pls tip if u like this video !!