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In which country do people celebrate Christmas by gathering ..
Let’s both be naughty and save Santa the trip tonight.
Naughty or nice list? You decide. 😏
Would you rather get..?
Why do we kiss under the mistletoe?
Come over here and let me jingle your bells.
Betcha wish you could put me at the top of your tree.
What are your holiday plans?
True or False: UPS delivers on christmas eve.
The star on the tree isn't the only star on top.
Sweeter than your Christmas cookies.
Whats your take on fruitcake?
What was the first artificial tree made of?
Let’s deck the halls with each other.
Hey Santa, this one’s for you.
Would you rather get the?
What country started the gift exchange tradition?
Got ’em searching for some mistletoe.
What holiday do you celebrate?
True or false: America has an "official" Christmas tree.
Santa, I've been naughty... and it was worth it.
On the nice list, for sure.
## DID YOU HEAR!!!!!
Would you rather do...
True or False Men also crave more sex when it’s cold out
You know what elves and I have in common? We’re both good wi..
Would you rather have me send you nudes
## What do you prefer
10% of dreams include sex
Fill in the blank: All I want for Christmas is ____________.
Santa’s cutest helper.
Would you rather...
The average time it takes a man to finish during sex is more..
Unique like a snowflake.
And on the last day of Christmas…I came through.
Does sex burn as many calories as running?
Fall for sweet effort, not sweet words.
Just another thing to be grateful for this holiday season.
Would you rather try..
A teaspoon of semen contains how many calories?
I could be you by dawn if it’s true that we’re what we eat.
You can find me chillin’ under the tree.
Would you rather ...
More than 50% of men have lost their virginity by the age of..
I make moves, not choices.
A December to remember.
Would you rather me suck