Quick info post - regarding some changes around here ;P . From now on, I will post at least 2 longer clips ( 15 min and longer ) to my socials, as well as typical short posts with pics, info etc. 😌. This means that starting now you can expect at least 2 long normal clips per week, most likely on Monday and Thursday, and 1 additional PPV in more or less every 2 weeks 😌
In those additional PPV there will be more clips with hubby's "inner thoughts", as you guys requested ( from what I see on that poll 😊 ). I dont know what the exact proportions will be on his vs mine "inner thoughts" ... time will tell ... maybe it will be indeed 50/50 ... if needed I will prolong the poll time limit so that as many ppl as possible would vote 😉
For now those 2 clips per week will have less of those "inner thoughts" as I will be doing everything I can to m_eet that quota ;P ... so in turn those additional PPV will have more of them ... for now at least 😌
Also, here is this monday's longer clip ... next one on thursday 😉( it's a Part 7 of Date nr. 13 with "B" ... there will at least one more before next date 😊 )