
Setting up for the Hypnosis JOI vid I posted recently 🥰 I ta..

Published: August 21st 2021, 10:31:44 am


Setting up for the Hypnosis JOI vid I posted recently 🥰 I talk about my thought process behind the video, my own personal journey toward a zero-waste lifestyle, and conscious consumption in general. I'm not saying that YOU specifically need to make any lifestyle changes, I just think it'd be pretty neat if someone learned something new and acted differently based on something I said 😊 Resources if you want to learn more: - Learn about Zero Waste: https://www.reddit.com/r/zerowaste/wiki/index - Find areas for improvement: https://zerowastenerd.com/beginners-guide/ - Read others' stories about their Zero Waste journey: https://zerowastehome.com/ - Learn how to set up a compost bin (the end of the post talks about an apartment-balcony-sized compost bin): https://www.reddit.com/r/composting/comments/93plds/crash_coursenewbie_guide/ If you have an Amazon account, go here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/contact-us Then click "start chatting" and click the "talk to a human" option, then say something like "Hello, I would like all of my future orders to be packaged without plastic please. Thank you." They can put a note on your account about your request, then they start sending everything in paper mailers that can be recycled easier than plastic! You can even compost the cardboard boxes (if you have a compost or your city does compost collection).