
Ah, and here we have the wild Tapanga in its natural habitat..

Published: July 26th 2022, 4:28:41 pm

tapangalovegood main image

Ah, and here we have the wild Tapanga in its natural habitat. As you can see, I do apologize for the graphic view at this moment in time, there are its genitals. It is a male so we have to be very cautious not to disturb him. The males get very territorial and aggressive but I believe, by my calculations, if he were to get aggressive with you, all you have to do is kick him in his testicles and he will back off as that area is very sensitive and prideful to the species. Or if you’re lucky, you might just end up mauled to death instead. 🙃 it’s a 50/50… Just kick as hard as you can but hopefully, that won’t need to happen.