
My take on the onlyfans debacle, if anybody wants it: Tl;dr..

Published: August 20th 2021, 10:36:52 pm


My take on the onlyfans debacle, if anybody wants it: Tl;dr - I’m concerned (not panicked) and based on a critical reading of the statement and support responses, I think you should be too. So a few days ago we all heard the news that onlyfans will be banning “sexually explicit” content (but not nudity) in the near future. This news came from credible sources, quoting what seemed to be an official statement. We were all worried. More recently, there’s been a backlash against that starting when a creator posted a message she’d received from OF support reassuring her that they had no plans to ban “adult content.” Now, a large number of creators and community members are trying to reassure their fans and their favorite creators that there’s nothing to worry about and the original story was “fake news.” In my opinion, this relies on an incorrect reading of the email. In their initial statement, onlyfans differentiated between “nudity” and “explicit content” without elaborating on what constitutes “explicit.” What was clear, in my opinion, is that regular everyday nudes will continue to be allowed. What I, and many others, inferred is that masturbation, sex etc will not be allowed. When OF support reassured that creator that adult content will not be banned, they used what I believe was intentionally vague language. The promise that adult content will not be banned does not in any way contradict the popular interpretation of their original statement. Nudes are “adult content” by anybody’s definition. That doesn’t mean that ALL adult content will be allowed. The email’s author made no attempt to explain the initial statement’s language or what was meant by “explicit content.” Their response was completely consistent with the original statement and the way in which it was portrayed. We’ve since seen several other messages from OF support to concerned creators. Not a single one has clarified the distinction which they very clearly made (without making it very clear) in the initial statement. In fact, either every member of the OF team is a terrible communicator OR they’ve intentionally obfuscated the issue in their responses. I also decided to reach out to support for clarification. The response I received blatantly avoided answering my question. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0yOE4Oh I’ve seen a few members of the community take an extremely condescending and insulting tone towards folks who are concerned, which is unfortunate. I think there’s a natural human bias towards positioning oneself as the ‘voice of reason.’ Part of that often involves positioning anyone who’s concerned as “panicky.” I actually haven’t seen anybody panic; I’ve seen several creators plan for what may occur by alerting their fans and looking into other platforms so that they’re familiar with their options. This is not panic. I still believe that for someone like me, who relies on explicitly sexual content (cumshots on cumshots on cumshots 😁) to sell their page, there is cause for concern. I could be wrong, and I’d love to be wrong. I want nothing but the best for every member of this community. But in my opinion, I’ve seen no evidence supporting the “fake news” position and a good amount of evidence supporting the belief that onlyfans will be severely limiting the type of content we can post in the near future. There are plenty of other sites. We’ll be ok. Let’s just remember that we’re all in this together. And hey, maybe I’m wrong! 😉 ❤️ Swoshy