hey loves! I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I showered today and over the last couple days I’ve been having fun sliding around in the Oregonian ice. Life has been super weird, but I’m getting a new bedframe and bed for the 2nd bedroom and I’ll have my own space! It’s gonna be weird sleeping alone but I’ll be able to spread out and Theo is with me! So really I won’t be alone. The bedframe is a loft bed 👀 it’s gonna be so cool! I’m excited! Then I might take a trip to Salem, Massachusetts! Go cast some spells. I don’t know. Ice threw a wrench in my solo traveling trip. Can’t drive my rear wheel bald ass tired car anywhere.
I did start mixing songs again. It’s been fun! It’s not the best but it’s fun! Don’t gotta be good at something to have fun. Always gotta remind myself that.
My body could be MUCH MORE toned but of course life loves to teach me many lessons and sometimes I forget to go to the gym or just can’t do it. Once this ice is gone, I’m onto it. I wanna feel my body once more. I NEED A GOD DAMN MASSAGE.