Published: October 9th 2024, 8:10:11 pm
Here is the first batch of my “Anne of Green Gables“ trip. I have an assortment of photos that I deemed beautiful and noteworthy, lots of plants, and also some photos of me. The Little red berries that you’ll see are called bittersweet and they’re very poisonous. They were all over Canada. Canada is a beautiful country. I got to fly over the whole thing but made landfall in the east. The people were very kind and the cigarettes were very short. I wish I could’ve stayed longer to appreciate the beauty, but I’m glad I got the sneak peek and small peek so far. My mom and I watched Anne of Green Gables growing up both of us. She introduced it to me, obviously so it was always our dream to go to Prince Edward Island, where all of these photos were taken if you ever get the chance by all means go to Prince Edward Island.