
More summer days spent by the pool with these babes, pleasee..

Published: July 13th 2023, 3:02:17 pm

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More summer days spent by the pool with these babes, pleasee and thank you!💦@nakedbakers @flashingemma @bellatrixortreat2 I absolutely adore these women, and I feel grateful AF to have loving, supportive humans that understand and embrace the naked and free lifestyle I live because they are living it too! Sometimes it’s hard for me to fathom the fact that casual nudity is still a difficult concept to swallow in our society. Our bodies are just bodies, here to help us get around, play, survive, dance, and find alllll the pleasure in. They aren’t necessarily inherently sexual, but I don’t blame us. Our minds are conditioned to see a nude body as purely sexual, and although sexuality is such an incredible part of being human, it’s important to be able to decipher between the two, and know that they can exist simultaneously! I post these here to give you a glimpse into our day of casual nudity together, but I also post these giving you full consent to sexualize as well🙃 We deserve to celebrate it alllll!!