Everyone m33t Disco, the newest addition to the fam🪩✨🐶😭
He ..
Published: July 7th 2023, 2:01:43 pm
Everyone m33t Disco, the newest addition to the fam🪩✨🐶😭
He has very synchronistically made his way into my life, and although he is technically my roommates puppy, I have happily agreed to co-parent this tiny bundle of joy.
If you’ve been keeping up, I spontaneously flew out to Austin, TX to go pick him up. It’s kind of crazy how much I’ve already bonded with him and how much insurmountable heart gushing happiness he brings me.
Mooka is learning how to be a big sister too and is doing such a great job so far. She’s playing gently and sharing all her toys.
I know y’all are going ask what breed he is, so I thought it would be fun to play a little guessing game. First person to guess correctly in the comments will receive a free 6 month subscription to my page here!
Hint: he is a mix of 2 breeds. Okay readyyyy go!