
Oh hi there☺️ Lil life update cause I like keeping you in th..

Published: June 15th 2023, 2:03:21 pm

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Oh hi there☺️ Lil life update cause I like keeping you in the loop on all the happenings in my wild life! Tomorrow I take off on yet another, yes another, trip, and I’m uber excited for this one cause the occasion is quite different than most of my previous trips this year. I’ll be flying out to Florida for 10 days working as a PRIVATE CHEF for a Summer Solstice Retreat!! I’ll be staying in this dreamy glamping property and am hoping spend the duration connecting with mySelf, nature, and the other 9 women I am cooking for💕 I know a lot of you know I’m passionate about Health and Wellness, but not sure how many of you know I am a certified Holistic Health Coach! On top of helping others live more balanced vibrant lives, I adoreee being creative in the kitchen and truly believe food is medicine. Retreat Cheffing is no easy task, but being able to nourish others and provide them with wholesome healthy meals that leave them feeling energized for the activities throughout each day makes me ecstatic. Sharing homecooked food is a love language heheh Anywhooo, I will be posting updates and capturing parts of my trip as it comes naturally. Don’t you fuss, I’m always thinking about you and want you along for the ride! Wish me luck!