
Mmmz just taking a midday work break to reconnect back into ..

Published: December 8th 2022, 11:35:17 pm


Mmmz just taking a midday work break to reconnect back into my body😌 Turning on some music and slowly allowing my body to move sensually was the perfect pick-me-up while spending a few hours at the computer, getting back to emails, responding to messages, and finishing customs. I can get so lost in productivity mode that I forget to check in with my body and mind sometimes. I realized my back and neck were beginning to cramp up because I wasn't being conscious about my posture. It definitely doesn't help that this new couch is marshmallow-like and just sucks you right in with its' squishy comfiness heheh. I guess this is all to say that if you're in the middle of your work day and that means sitting for long periods of time, be sure to gift yourSelf a moment to stand up, walk around, stretch a little bit, or go outside and sip in some fresh air. It'll do wonders for your energy levels and help you reset so you can finish out your day on a nice note :)