Rise n shine, lovers! Just swinging on by from my adorable Texas Airbnb to say good morning, and I hope you have a fucking rad day because you’re a badass, and you deserve it🫶
For those that participated in my poll yesterday about the sexual firsts I experienced here in Austin, believe it or not, all of you and none of you chose the correct answer. It was actually kind of a trick question because “All of the above” wasn’t an option. That’s rightttt, ya girl did every one of those things (and more hehe) for the very first time…😏
A lot of people assume since I am pretty tuned in to my sexuality and femininity that many opportunities have come my way, but I’m actually pretty damn reserved when it comes to sharing mySelf sexually with others. I’m becoming more adventurous though and in a way that is rooted in clear communication, consent, and boundaries. I felt so safe to be so vulnerable during the retreat and afterwards here at this Airbnb with all my @nakedbakers friends. Excited to see where this newfound openness takes me, especially since I will be attending a conscious play party on Friday night… ;)