
Basking in the high from all the birthday love I’ve received..

Published: August 1st 2024, 8:19:40 pm


Basking in the high from all the birthday love I’ve received✨ Did you see the gift I posted the other day?! If you haven’t yet, you’re missing outttt.

I technically have been celebrating since my trip to the river last weekend. There was something about the light glistening off the top of the crisp emerald green waters this day that allowed me to find deep understanding that the beauty I saw in nature at that moment, was a reflection of the beauty and divinity I hold within mySelf.

Felt so nice to drop into that knowing for a moment and become one with my surroundings. A naked eARTh goddess at her absolute finest✨

worship me, worship yourself, we’re all sacred at our very core, and intrinsically connected to the oneness of everything.