Do we still look sexy in our snorkel gear?! 🤓🤿🌊🐠 What if I use my fins on @naomiwildman3 as a spanking implement? Heheh
While exploring the tropical beaches of Okinawa, we came across a completely secluded one on the north side of the island that had such crystal clear water and the most gorgeous coral reef. It was teeming with bright tropical sea creatures like angel fish, clown fish, pufferfish, giant sea slugs, and bright blue starfish! 🐡🪸🐚
We had explored it the day before but decided to come back because it was just too beautiful to pass up. We spent hours snorkeling through the shallow narrow channels of coral which felt like being teleported into an intriguing, unfamiliar world.
This was most definitely a highlight of the trip, and this video is just pure joy to watch both of us in our element of nature adventuring….also quite humorous to watch me waddle and run naked in those goggles and flippers…