Last year I lived in Florida and was at the pool almost ever..
Published: August 17th 2023, 6:47:42 pm

Last year I lived in Florida and was at the pool almost every day. I had a nice tan and if anyone remembers my older man friend. Most of You don’t know probably because You weren’t subscribed back then. I had my neighbor who was in his probably 80es and had dementia, he liked hanging at the pool, reading big books, and me. Every day he would come to me to introduce himself in all different ways and get to know me. I always felt like I am in the "Groundhog Day” movie and he always felt like a lucky dude who just met this younggg cute blond. Eventually, I knew a lot about him and I was always a mysterious woman to him. He didn’t remember what was my name or anything about me but he never forgot how to hit on me. Because it’s an experience you got over the years and it can’t be taken away. There were a couple of younger guys near the pool too. They were just staring, and all my intention was taken by a dementia friend. I like older men because usually, they know what they do even when they don’t remember they did it yesterday.