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I'm so happy bacuse today it's my birthday 😍 will you give m..
I'm wondering what I'm having for dinner today, should I cou..
I was doing some meditation and yoga and I think it's so goo..
Sunday to chill and have some me time, will you text me and ..
I bet you didn't get to see the kitty in my panty but isn't ..
Thursday of trying new food I'll get some Thai, Have you tri..
any ideas for some games to play tonight? I was between Fort..
This is just a lazy day 🙉 I would love to spend all my day i..
Guys!! Guys!! Haha I wanted to tell you something. Since I c..
Today I was a little down but music always makes me feel bet..
I was wondering what to do on a Sunday off, do you have some..
I had no plans on Friday and that's ok but today I gotta do ..
Lately I've been using a little more make up, so is this col..
I love to travel and see new lands and know new food and peo..
There was a time where someone spanked me and I cried, now I..
Could guess how tall I am if you see me from down there? 😏
Dancing makes me feel so good but what would be the sexiest ..
I have a doubt, wich lipgloss color should I use today? 💋❤️
I finally did my laundry and got my panties back, what would..
I can't believe that it's already Friday, I won't go out aga..
On laundry day I forgot a load of panties and can you guess ..
I would love to get some new lingerie for you, which color w..
Oh I got this lingerie and you can see all through it is it ..
When I feel stressed I love to get a feet massage could I ge..
I'm from Europe but this latin beats makes wanna move my boo..
I always do my best as you ask so this night black lingerie ..
Everybody has plans today except by me 😔 wanna talk and chee..
This morning I went for a run and back home and ate a donut ..
What an amazing day today! I got in touch with this old fema..
I feel so blessed about all the liberty I have in this great..
Life is cute and I always try to smile back, what is this li..
My bed is my favorite spot all around the house, here I thin..
I can't reach the right spot could you help me untie this tr..
Some days I feel so lazy that I just wanna get off bed woul..
I read that black is the most elegant color do you think I l..
The weather was so nice today that I took a long walk and no..
If I were an animal I would love to be a tigress, elegant, f..
Don't y'all love when the sun touches your skin? Its so warm..
do you think that I have a nice booty? 🙈
What a better plan for tonight than playing my favorite ever..
Let's start this amazing weekend do I look prepared for it? ..
Hey I need your opinion do you think I look cute when I make..
Today I've been thinking on what career should I choose, do ..
I was trying to cover my boobs but a nipple came out for a b..
If I were a super heroine what name should I use? 🤔
I'm so unquiet not! Can you guess what I'm about to do? 🤫🤭🫣
Would you put your face right here? 🥵😈
Does this bra look good or should I just rip it off? 🙈
If you found me like this wat would you touch first? 🙈
guess who would like to go to the beach?