
Hi guys đŸ’» Ça c’est moi quand j’essaie d’ĂȘtre studieuse et d..

Published: July 1st 2024, 4:29:16 pm

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Hi guys đŸ’»

Ça c’est moi quand j’essaie d’ĂȘtre studieuse et de travailler, ça part en couilles direct hahaha 😁

Petite anecdote sur mon week-end et surtout sur mon festival de samedi qui c’était trop dingue, j’ai adorĂ© !đŸ€© Beaucoup de festivalier ont fĂ©licitĂ© mon outfit, ont dit que j Ă©tais sexy et que je dansais trĂšs bien, on m’a mĂȘme sorti que j’étais scandaleuse 😂😂

Je suis rentrĂ©e tard cette nuit lĂ  et je confirme avoir Ă©tĂ© scandaleuse au lit đŸ„” J’ai Ă©tĂ© tellement dĂ©montĂ©e, j’avais des courbatures le lendemain matin 
 😑 et j’ai remis le couvert hier soir Ahaha , si tu as pris mon petit mĂ©dia de tantĂŽt, tu as du comprendre đŸ”„

Je te laisse regarder le match et si tu as besoin de rĂ©confort ou de partager ta joie, je serai lĂ  pour toi đŸ„°

That’s me when I try to be studious and work, it goes straight to the ground hahaha 😁

Little anecdote about my weekend and especially about my festival on Saturday which was so crazy, I loved it!đŸ€© A lot of festival-goers complimented my outfit, said that I was sexy and that I danced very well, we It even came out that I was scandalous 😂

I came home late that night and I confirm that I was scandalous in bed I was so upset, I had aches the next morning... 😑 and I did it again last night Ahaha, if you took my little one media from earlier, you must have understood đŸ”„

I'll let you watch the match and if you need comfort or share your joy, I'll be there for you 😍