Title: kisses, mouth sounds, (& some ear licks...) ASMR [Jan. 2024 Exclusive]
You can buy this post for $5 to unlock the full video & get a taste of what the content is like over on Patreon/Passes!
You can join Patreon/Passes for $5 to see this video.
Patreon/Passes is a lot more worth is bc not only will you get to see this video but you can see previous months videos & content & updates! (AND everything below depending on what tier you join!)
I appreciate the support on all these sites, so thank you! :)
(my bad on getting this out so late, lol -- either way this is just extra optional content that you can get to see what Patreon/Passes is like!)
also the first clip is the free preview & if you purchase this video, just make sure to swipe to see it!! :)