Heeey!! I’m almost 100% sure that you once was fond of dinosaurs 🫢 I remember reading several encyclopedias about them. Now, of course, I don’t remember much... But diplodocus, tyrannosaurus and triceratops are forever in myyy heart! ❤️ In the last two months, I again actively fell in love with them, remembered my old love hehe... 👉👈 Now in toys’ stores I can't get past boxes with dinosaur toys 😊 It was veeery nice when you answered messages with them! I recently added this very cute dinosaur to my collection, I want to call him Agrives🦕😍 Together with him, a cool slime was included, I really do looove the similar texture in toys! I'm very curious to know if youuu have any favorite toys? 😘 Have a good daaayy! Rawwrrr!🦖