Ft. measuring my calves / talking to you / getting a cheeky view of my feet / cheeky mini dress view / flexing my bulking calves and more ! - 5.04 min
You already know how excited i get when i see new measurements come through where i'm growing bigger. The other day, i decided to measure my feet and was in complete shock at how they have grown ! I hope you enjoy this video just as much as i did watching it. Im really proud of myself for being able to take minimal compounds, eating a lot and still being able to look the way that i do. I am naturally meant to be quite a skinny girl, so this was a win for me! Id love to know what your thoughts are on my new measurement and what you'd do to my calves and feet! Ive incorporated a lot more cardio as well so yes i have a little blister on my foot 😅 But yes... Ive become such a feet girl when it comes to a man worshipping me.. even though i don't have the prettiest feet, something about them being felt just makes me smile. Pointing out my calf vein and doing some calf raises whilst you get a cheeky view up my skirt 😏