TIP $13 for the full video
Ft. after gym talk / getting ready to shower / talking to you / noticing some changes / feeling a specific way ! / talking about my muscles / how i feel training in the gym / how happy i am being bigger then most of the guys in my gym ! / PED side effects / any weight gain ? / how my chest is progressing / new striations !!! / mental focus when coming off and on cycle / pec bouncing / close up of my pecs / bicep close up / feeling myself / who the real BOSS is in the gym / guys coming up to me in the gym to compliment my muscles ! / my game plan / my new hobby / pec slapping / how i want to look over these next few weeks / what other content ill be doing (hoping to do!) / flexing my non existent abs 😂 biceps + pecs ad taking my top off to showcase my back progress. - 10.34 min
I feel like there is so much i could talk about, but here is a rundown of all that i love talking about / updating you on. There is so many beautiful new shifts happening in my life and as you can tell by my energy, i'm in a very positive and healthy mindset to keep doing what i love + more! I truly hope you enjoy this cheeky video informing you of my life, my physique and a cute story to go with it from whats been happening with the attention i am getting from the gym. Adding in a cheeky flex of my chest, biceps and taking my top off to show my back progress!