TIP $14 for the full video Ft. talking about how much ive gained / how im feeling / body changes / how i feel seeing the scales going up / looking at myself in the mirror and how i look / talking about how i felt being lean compared to bulking ! / how i feel eating more / how content i am / am i satisfied? / growth talk / physique update flexing in my work clothes / front double biceps / how big i want my biceps to be / quad flexing in my skirt / side quad flex / glute flex / chest flex / how i feel about my chest / most muscular / am i getting leaner? / tricep flex / back lat spread / pec bouncing / talking about how id like to grow out of my clothes the bigger i get and more !
Since ive jumped back on cycle, ive been feeling incredible. I hope you enjoy seeing me get ready whilst i talk about all different topics on how im progressing ! i probably seem a little too happy but in all honesty, im just in such a beautiful place in my life where im seeing my body change and mentally feeling very determined and driven. I hope this can motivate you to feel good within yourself as well. Enjoy!