
**About me page is up** and about 3 years overdue but better..

Published: September 27th 2023, 7:30:36 pm

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**About me page is up** and about 3 years overdue but better late than never right 😁🤭🙃. I will keep this pinned. ***A Little About Me*** ♡ Up until 3 years ago (Fall of 2020, when I started my OnlyFans page and promoting it on reddit) I never ever ever even sent boobies pictures or anything like that to boyfriends. I was actually very modest and not really into my body or sexuality. I wouldn't say I was a prude but I was vanilla. So since having this page has definitely been a journey! ♡ I worked in the corporate world as an Administrative Assistant for various companies and organizations since my mid 20’s and yes I still have a traditional job while doing this:). That is one of the reasons why my page is not super explicit. I still don't know what I want to do when I grow' up and am taking a break (from a "real job") to focus or figure out on my other entrepreneurial endeavors right now as well. I have a Bachelors degree and was one year shy of getting my Masters. I love learning new things and skills but I never was really into the whole academia world. ♡ I am not married. I'm not a mom. I have two amazing long hair cats, they are truly my best friends! 😻😻 ♡ Hobbies (when I have time): I enjoying self help work (meditating, practicing mindfulness, shadow work etc.), cooking/baking. I love music and dreamed I would be involved in it somehow one day. Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks are my favorite! I want to travel more and kinda get stir crazy if I live in one place for too long but I love where I am at currently. I have many other interest, I dabble in metaphysical stuff and knit but it’s tricky to find time for everything currently with spending so much time having fun online now 😘😈🤫 ♡ I do try to try to stay fit and healthy. I prefer slow/soft exercise such as yoga and nature walks. ♡ I am also a foodie however. I love exploring new restaurants and looove tacos, anything spicy or savory. However, I do love my sweets. Key lime pie is my favorite! This is why I will always have a little pooch belly hahaha ♡ I'm a Scorpio ♏ ♡ I'm a homebody that prefers the company of being out in nature and a countryside over people and a city usually. 99% of the time, I'm actually in a messy bun and yoga pants more often than not. ♡ Some of my favorite things are music, watching cute animall' videos, TV shows, movies and wrestling. ♡ I'm tend to be more of a private person, hence why it took me so long to create an about me page. I don't like talking about myself and not use to it. I guess I would describe myself as down to earth, easy-going, silly, kinda a weirdo/quirky, sassy, lazy, flighty, loyal and easily distracted lol. It takes a lot to get me mad, but when I do get out 😮 I consider myself an extroverted introvert 😆 ♡ I was kinda a rebellious tteen and a "party girl" until my very early 30’s. Nothing too wild and crazy but I use to go out to parties and clubs alot and have fun! I have a few interesting stories. But since turning 31I then became the total polar opposite! I don't even recognize that person anymore. ♡ Size 7-7.5(US) in shoes, 5'3", natural C bra size ♡ One of my dreams is to have two houses. One in the country with seasonal weather and one in The South and be able to travel whenever I want.😌 ...... Spicy Facts: ♡ My favorite position is front facing scissoring but depends on the partner right. Each boyfriend I've had different favorite positions with. ♡ Yes, I've been with a woman before. ♡ I used to be a HUGE prude up until 3 years ago doing this so when I say this is a journey opening up with nudity, it one million percent is 🤣 ♡ I prefer my fingers over vibrators. I feel like vibrators desensitize you. ♡ I used to be sooo self conscious of my body and OF has really helped me with that. I've come to embrace who I am more because of this site. ♡ Apparently I taste like sweet water according to previous partners 🌸 Collapse