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Night 5!
Taking a time out to post these! Night 5 is on the way, but..
grrr...trying again. If one of you subs is reporting me bec..
Happy New Year, and another roll night! This is another fun..
Night 2 isn't as much footage as the first. I took a lot of..
BTS video!! Merry Christmas!!!
Sorry for the crooked ones....
Paint pour! Took some video of the shoot coming tomorrow!!
Coming soon.
Photo Dump from the last video. New video up this week!
And the finale!
Part 3!
Part two...well this was actually part one, but posted two f..
Had a fun afternoon.
So...Shot a custom last night. Lets just say it got a littl..
Felt cute...sucked cock....might delete later.
Got a custom request for this and WOW was it fun! I was exc..
Video Dropping soon.....
Shoot Scheduled for tomorrow!!! Who wants to see me covered ..
Got a case of the hornies a couple days after my disaster st..
I'm alive and kicking guys....All I can say is whoa!
Stream started at 09/11/2022 04:34 am
starting to come down guys, im ok.. back soon
Sorry guys...I'll level off soon
Just finishing up everyone! Dont panic if im a little late
Blow Job Month #2! Don't forget to answer my poll question...
Really need everybody's help! What is the best platform for..
Blow Job Month #1
Figured I would give you all a look at what you miss out on ..
Got just over a month left till my next live ROLL! Celebrat..
Sorry been so quiet everyone! Had a death in the fam and ha..
Last night's show! My week long company goes home tomorrow! ..
Gonna go live around 10pm est tonight! I'd love for some of..
Some more roll footage I was able to cobble together!
Here is my best clip of our playtime during my last roll. W..
Little clip of my live show...
Live for a bit tonight!
Going live for a bit tonight. Free look here for my subs.
When the molly dick wore off we got my boy taken care of......
Over in discord sombody asked for this. YES! I have pics f..
Cam show footage from 06/13
I want to thank everyone who joined my first crack at this! ..
Wanted to get something up quick for those who missed. Its ..
Good Morning!!!! Thanks everybody! Sorry I lost the last h..