Hey everyone, just so you are aware my page is on the brink ..
Published: November 28th 2022, 1:04:24 pm

Hey everyone, just so you are aware my page is on the brink of getting shut down. I've already emailed them back, and expressed my concerns. PLEASE if you haven't followed my other pages, PLEASE go do that.
I have 4 Instagrams now, that I will be updating this info, they even state in their terms that they can change their policy at any time without notice, and take content down when ever they feel like, on my page AND private messages to you all.
Most of the content taken was when I fell down a flight a stairs a year ago and had a giant bruise on my ass, and all the pics of the healing process. It doesn't state anywhere that bruises are a no no, but here we are 🙄
So now I have 14 warnings on my pay page, in 2 days,
and 5 on here, my free page, on top of the several other warnings I've received over the past year.
Please go follow my other sites, I will be doing a giant reconstruction of this page and my paid subscription page, there will still be nudes and toys, but unfortunately I have to be very careful of what I post.
I do appreciate you all for supporting me and my shenanigans 😈 I'm just disappointed in this site and their policies.