
A week later, let's talk!

Published: January 14th 2025, 2:39:58 pm


Hi all! The 0.1.9 build has been out for about a week now, so I feel like most people probably had a go at it. So, let's talk. I have a few general questions I have that I would love for you all to answer. You can use the comments or send me a message.

  • Has 0.1.9 convinced you that the game is going in the right direction overall?
  • Are you enjoying the new story? Are you enjoying the sister/best friend character dynamics?
  • What would you pick to be the next big feature to work on?
  • Is the streaming business how you thought it'd be? Is it('s potential) better than MAiH1's streaming business? What features from the MAiH1 business would you like to see return?
  • Are you enjoying the new character building and trait systems? Or do they feel out of place?

Anything else is very welcome too. I have a pretty clear direction I want to take things, but I do very much value community feedback and I would love to get more of it so I can adjust accordingly. Not just bug reports but just how you're all experiencing the game in general. What's good? What needs improvement? What would you want to see next? Talk to me! :)