
More freedom

Published: January 14th 2025, 2:42:55 pm

miss_juliana main image

The last update seems to be working well. I hope everyone is enjoying the new content. I'm at work on what will be called either 0.1.5 or 0.2 depending on how well things work out. So far I have done the following:

Reworked the main storyline
This is a work-in-progress still, obviously, but it's no longer just landing in LA without a reason. There's also more background for the best friend character. I don't want to spoil it all, but I believe this situation is both more fun storywise and offers a better starting point.

Character appearance
I feel like character appearance with regards to hair colour etc. doesn't really impact the game at all and I will probably ditch it entirely. I did bring back genital selection like in HHHE, including the vagina for people who want to play female. Support for this in sex scenes will be lacking at first but will be filled in slowly. The new story passages do support it already. 

With points comes freedom
Now, you can freely pick the two guiding characters in the new story: the best friend and the sister. They do cost points, linked to their "fame" stat. So a large star like Ariana Grande or Emilia Clarke will cost you 100 points, while a smaller actress will be sub 50. I removed the option to start at a higher status or fitness level for now. Penis inches still cost the same, money now comes in 5k increments per point. This gives the player a decent amount to get a car and stuff but doesn't load him with cash to immediately start buying businesses all around town. 

The only issue with the new freedom to pick any girl as these characters, is that I now have conflicting stories. If you pick Hailee Steinfeld for example, Hailee Steinfeld will introduce you to Hailee Steinfeld when you unlock the gym. This adds some extra writing, but I do feel it's worth it in the end for the added freedom to have your favorite celebs guide you through the game.


Coming soon
That's what I have done so far. I plan to continue developing the main storyline up to the point the streaming business gets re-introduced. This will tie into the storyline in a fun way and will introduce many of the same aspects as in MAiH1: different celeb employees for different tasks, making content, random events and company status. 

After those basics are done, I will either release first or start on basic relationship mechanics right away. That means girlfriends, engagement and basic marriage. No advanced stuff like polygamy, harems, pregnancy and cheating yet, probably. I have the code in my head already, just gotta write it out and do the math on some formulas that will ensure things are more dynamic and less boring than in MAiH1. So no more endless date grinding but more realistic and fun ways to advance relationships.

Meanwhile I'm always adding content in terms of random encounters, sex stuff and businesses whenever I feel like writing instead of coding. I have a huge collection of pics and ideas for random encounters so I'm not running out of those anytime soon.