Hi everyone, I’ve had an increase in people tipping for cont..
Published: January 23rd 2022, 3:38:22 am
Hi everyone, I’ve had an increase in people tipping for content and then being impatient for me to send them. Just a reminder, I am the only person running this and all my other accounts. While I make time everyday to answer all my messages at least once a day, I am still only one person who also has a life offline. ***Please be patient and expect a response in 24 hours or less.*** Large tips are always prioritized but I can only do so much.
Honestly, I’m the ONLY creator around my size that still responds to messages PERSONALLY let alone ALL messages EVERYDAY. I emphasize this because it’s absolutely true and I do it because I consider that part of the perks of subscription.
Due to the influx of spam messages demanding my attention (which only pushes them down the queue since I work oldest to newest), I’m led to consider a few options.
1: Hiring an assistant. If I’m able to find one I trust to check my account and deliver tipped content more regularly than I’m able to.
2: Removing the ability to chat with me so I can only focus on tipped messages/content purchases.
3: Continue to do my best despite it taking a toll on my mental health. I do have in my bio and welcome message that I reply but people lacking patience can be difficult. I do enjoy getting to know y’all so I wish this was the only option but I’m not sure anymore.
Please vote and help me decide how to best continue doing my best for y’all.
ALSO If you’re unhappy with the wait, my other fan page listed at the top of my link tree has immediate content delivery. This site doesn’t support that function for my page. You may want to consider trying the other fan site.