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Wanna have some fun? ðĪ
I'll show you mine if you show me yours babe ð
Ohh is that a boner? ðĪĪ
A horny Sunday, everyone!
Care for another round babe? ð
How bad do you want it babe? ð
I wanna cuddle with you so bad ðĨš
I heard you needed motivation ð
Always stay ready ð
Tickle me babe ð
I wanna be your reason to masturbate ð
I know you're itching to spank it ð
Am I on your weekend plans babe? ð
You're on your own in the real world ð
Take your time baby ð
I'm craving for you babe ð
I can't get you off my mind ðĪ
How do I look, babe? ð
Take me wherever you want babe ð
Stay classy, stay sexy ð
How y'all doing? DM me I've got something for you! ð
Your wish is my command, babe ð
How was your day babe? Tell me all about it in the DMs! ð
Tell me what you want me to be ð
Life is short, let's sin a little ðĪ
My ð is waiting
What are you gonna do with my yummy ass, babe? ð
Cum over here and tell me what I wanna hear ðĪ
You're so fine I want you mine ðĪĪ
Care to remove everything I'm wearing? ð
Always ready to strip down for you baby ð
My face when I see you have a boner coz of me ð
Can't wait for you to get home babe ð
I think yours is bigger? Or maybe not? ð
Why don't you stick that boner inside? ð
What are you gonna do about it? ð
A girl should be two things: who and what she wants ð
Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans ð
The mind is everything. What you think, you become ðĪ
I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my sh..
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know h..
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your ow..
The greatest gift you can give someone is your time and atte..
All eyes on me ðĨĩ
Don't be shy. KISS MY TOES ð
Fierce women are not born, they are made ðĨ
I'm not trying to be sexy. I'm just trying to be me ðĪŠ