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Getting all ready to go ride ☺️
2 more days an I’m free so bounce them again ☺️
Wish someone was rolling down my panties for me 😜
Good morning ☺️
Same size just higher up
Few weeks an they will be completely head an they look so go..
3 more days till the tape is off. The swelling is still a lo..
Dang it’s my birthday. I’m old as fuck 😂
Stitches an tape are gone the 3rd I’m so excited
9 days after looking good ☺️
It’s my birthday the 27th an ima be healing dang dang. Think..
Day 6 ☺️
I GOT A LIFT. Not yelling just making sure for the few that ..
Boobies are all tapped up an so swollen haha.
I still haven’t even seen them yet haha. But they look good ..
About to head to my surgery. Bye bye nip ring 🥹.
Donut Painting in progress ☺️
Healing nicely
Tattoo appointment tomorrow 🤘
Can’t get over how cute this one is 😜