
Hello all! Just posting an update to say that I've been sick..

Published: September 14th 2023, 3:35:07 pm

Hello all! Just posting an update to say that I've been sick - I got hit with strep & flu back to back and I'm still feeling really dehydrated and bloated so I need to recover for a few more days before I can start consistently filming things again. Sorry for not posting about this sooner! I always get really anxious to talk about my life problems here because I feel super shitty when I'm not putting out content every day like I should be!!

I managed to shoot an oil photoset yesterday so I'll be posting that over the weekend, as well as responding to messages. I should be back to daily posting next week! I'll also be getting caught up on customs next week as well. After that I think I'll have to take a break from new customs for a month or two to focus on my main content, I've been getting TONS of custom requests lately and taking on more than I should so they've been a bit overwhelming.