// MEASURING JAMES' DICK // ***(tip $10 under this post to receive the video by DM)***
Over the past 3 years we've gotten so many DMs with questions about the size of James' dick (it's kind of crazy how many people are curious about this)! Unfortunately we were consistently unable to reply because he himself had no idea since he hadn't measured in the last decade or two...
Today we come to you with ANSWERS and with PRECISION 😂 I personally took charge of the measurements and can attest that we finally have a number, and it might surprise you, like honestly. I know we both were surprised because we tried to guess before the video and we were both wrong!
(We're making an exception on our "no PPV rule" for this one as it's very specific and not part of our usual series. But we still wanted to give people who were interested something much more epic than just a number)